Honvédségi Szemle Defence Review №1 2017
Honvédségi Szemle
Год / месяц: 2017/8
Номер: Спецвыпуск Defence Review
Страниц: 276
Язык: Magyar
Формат: PDF - 3 Мб
Honvédségi Szemle (Военный обзор) Официальный научно-популярный журнал министерства обороны Венгрии.
Gen. Petr Pavel:
The Challenges Facing NATO Today . . . 3
Col. (Ret.) Friedrich W. Korkisch:
The Never Ending Debate: Bridging the Gaps between Strategic Policy
and Tactical Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1st. Lt. (Res.) Roland Kiss:
The Future of War, the Wars of the Future . . . . 30
Bg. Gen. Imre Porkoláb:
Leadership Challenges in the 21st Century:
The Future of Integrated Leadership Approaches . . . .58
Lt. Col. Wolfgang Paul Illner:
White Paper 2016, on German Security Policy and the Future of the Bundeswehr:
An Introduction on the New German Security Policy and Development of the Bundeswehr . . 79
Lt. Col. Tamás Szvath – Lt. Gen. Zoltán Orosz: Hungarian AAR Concept – Way Ahead . . . . .96
Lt. Col. Zsolt Végvári:
International Scenes of Military Energy Research . 107
Jeffrey Kaplan:
Life During Wartime: Active Measures in the Microchip Era . .118
János Matus:
A Subjective Selection from Facts and Ideas Related to European Integration Prior to BREXIT. 138