Soldier Magazine №11 2015

Soldier Magazine

Год / месяц: 2015/11
Номер: 11
Страниц: 92
Язык: English
Формат: PDF 30.41 MB

Официальный журнал Армии Великобритании

23 Prospering partnership
French join UK troops for rural test
29 Remembrance
Acknowledging the sacrifices made
30 Deconstructing the battlefield
Learning the lessons of Gallipoli
35 Power of the portrait
Legion launches photographic campaign
38 Commonwealth at war
Unearthing the efforts of Britain’s allies
43 Lessons from a legend
Inspiration from explorer’s endeavours
47 Iconic imagery
Pictorial showcase of military life
7 The Informer
Top stories from across the Service
53 Bullet Points
Troops’ intelligence assets
64 Movies
Life on Helmand’s front line
66 Music
Dancing to the same tune
68 Books
PTSD uncovered
86 Final Word
Reflections on the past
74 Motorcycling
Racer heads down under
76 Cycling
PT Corps pick up the pace
79 Enduro
Soldiers shine in Slovak showdown
80 Rugby union
Reds battle international rivals
82 Mountain bikes
Country stars dominate Services scene

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