Pointer №2 2016


Год / месяц: 2016/4-6
Номер: 2
Страниц: 92
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 6 MB

Pointer - Ежеквартальный центральный печатный орган вооружённых сил Сингапура . 

01 The Strategy Bridge: Linking the Tactical and Operational Battles to the National Interests
by LTC Eng Cheng Heng
12 Code for the Unplanned Encounters at Sea and Maritime Stability in the Indo-Paci c
by MAJ Lim Han Wei
25 Is the SAF’s Deterrence Posture Still Relevant as the Nature of Warfare Continues to Evolve?
by MAJ Bernard Tay
35 3D Printing: Revolutionising Military Operations
by ME5 Calvin Seah Ser Thong & ME4 Choo Wei Wen
47 Numbers, Quality and Relative Combat Power: The Lanchester
Square Law and its Implications for Force Structure and Force
Preparation of Singapore’s Operationally-Ready Soldiers
by LTA(NS) Philip Chan

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