Militaire Spectator №7-8 2017

Militaire Spectator

Год / месяц: 2017/7-8

Номер: 7-8

Страниц: 64

Язык: Нидерландский

PDF -  7 MB

Militaire Spectator - Журнал ВС Нидерландов


1 (GE/NL) Corps, ready for operations!
J.W. Maas, M. Greune and J.E. Livingstone
Among the security challenges Europe is facing 1 (German/Netherlands) Corps has taken on the challenge of transforming into a Joint Task Force Headquarters and is now prepared to fulfil this role.
Licht op de Inspecteur-Generaal der Krijgsmacht
A.M Spermon, W.S.M. Calmeijer Meijburg en R. Been
De Inspecteur-Generaal der Krijgsmacht (IGK) is meer een interne dan een externe autoriteit, die meerdere rollen vervult en steeds de delicate balans tussen macht, invloed en vertrouwen in de gaten moet houden.
The EU Military Staff: a frog in boiling water?
D. Lassche
As a military body in a mainly civilian organisation, the EU Military Staff
should think carefully about its role amidst a changing environment and effectively communicate its added value as a part of the European External Action Service.


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